Today I arrived back home.
Not home as in where I grew up, or where I lived when I was at Uni. In fact not any other home I’ve experienced as the human named Russ Benning.
This home is different. It’s not a memory as much as a feeling.
I spent the last 2 weeks beachside in Canggu. I had a fantastic time! Met more cool people, had all sorts of fun, got in the surf and created fresh art. But it’s not the same…
I noticed the way I felt even as I was riding my metal stallion progressively deeper into the metaphoric heart of Bali. I became more at ease. New ideas crept into my awareness and some older ones seemed suddenly more possible. .
My general confidence rose and I had a subtle feeling of empowerment begin to burn deep inside. I smiled. This feels like home.
I stood up taller within myself both physically and figuratively. I felt a familiar energy of connection to the area and more importantly to self.
What struck me as the most comforting of all was somewhat intangible in nature, but the most important by far. It wasn’t that I felt more creative, or confident or more peaceful. Although all those things are true, the most significant was that I felt more ME! I feel like this place brings out the most authentic version of myself.
I don’t know how long it will feel like this and I don’t care. It feels right, right now. I’m happy to be home.