Hello friends 🙂
I’m so happy to announce the all-new, custom-built Russ Benning Photography website!
The new site is now responsive (yes, I know…) and includes a swathe of new stuff that’s relevant to me and my business as of now, not the lifetime ago that the original website was created!
To build out a little separation in the blog section I’ve decided to pull some of my favourite and most relevant Instagram posts and updates that basically brings you up to speed for 2019. I may well continue to translate from Instagram to here as I realise not everyone is on that platform. More likely will be that I will write essays and post my photography in it’s true form on this website and add either a tl;dr or a highlight reel on Instagram with a link.
I’ve rediscovered that writing was always my greatest passion. Expect to see much more of my truth, my work and my passion expressed in my words and accompanied by my images. There will also be a bunch of guides and tutorials coming sooooon!
I will be continuing to capture the romance of life the way I see it, especially from the air and the best of the best will continue to be available through the all new store section.
Excellent segway Russ… I know have an online store! I’ve kept it very basic for now as I source premium product but I have big plans for this. For now enjoy the option to purchase my core 3 RGB Aerial images for your smartphone!
An all new bio, porfolio and services section are all part of the upgrade. Take your time to check it all out if you please and I’d love to hear from you! Email or WhatsApp are the best options for bookings or enquiries. All links below and in the contact section and kinda all over the place!
I’m still on the socials, predominately Instagram if you want to swing by for a chat and get daily updates on me and all my things.
Thank you so much to anyone who has made it to this blog! I will leave you with the copy from the post this image was paired with on Instagram. It was a pivotal moment for me when I realised that sharing my message was more important than my social (media) anxiety.
Enjoy, and see you in the soup!
“I don’t know where to start with this post. Firstly, I’m overwhelmed by the positivity I received when I added this to my story and everyone supported me posting more of the Russ behind Russ Benning Photography. You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you.
I’ve been through a lot lately. I’ve faced hardship, pain, heartbreak and illness, change, fears and depression and most of all; I’ve cut the shit, discovered truths I’d much rather have left buried, I’ve questioned everything I identified as ‘ME’. I’ve walked away from so much of who I ‘was’ and started taking step after painful, frightening, exciting, liberating step towards who I want to be.
I’ve learned so many lessons along the way and although it hasn’t all been fun, I still smile back on it all because it’s MY journey and those are MY lessons. Without it all I wouldn’t be here. This stuff hasn’t been blindly shuffled through either. I’ve been taking notes, I’ve been celebrating victories and lamenting losses with complete presence. I’m shining light on those persistent demons that use new skins for new situations. They don’t stand a chance anymore because the difference is, I SEE them now!
Everyone has their own path to tread and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Only truth. Step one to breaking a rut is taking a real look at yourself. What are your strengths? Weaknesses? What are the lies you’ve been telling yourself and the people around you? What are your barriers and limiting beliefs? Don’t tell me, tell yourself. Dig deep down and I promise you’ll have taken the first step.
Back to the picture. This is a shot I took after being inspired by the beautiful and talented Sorelle Amore and her ‘Advanced Selfies’ movement. I edited for hours trying to make it perfect. Then realised I’m not going to ever share it because…why Russ? My newfound consciousness identified another fear. A silly fear. A wise man recently said that if fear is truly the opposite of love then maybe we need to pass through fear to reach love. So as I post this and kick another stupid fear-demon in the dick, I also proudly announce a new step on my path of self-love.
Choose love, live with passion, be happy!”