Originally published to Instagram 17th February 2019.
I enjoy reflecting on this piece because it was when I was getting clarity on my business and who I am outside of just a photographer. A lot changed since then but the essence of my vision has materialised in the now.
“🏆 This trophy is for all of you that are reading this right now. I’m blessed to have a following of legends that support me and give me feedback when I need it.
I’ve got so much going on right now and it’s kind of awesome! Moving to a city was always on the bucket list and I had some apprehensions and I suppose in honesty some expectations. It’s been well and truly a whole new world for me and absolutely not what I was expecting!
Hard to know where exactly to start or finish this thought process even though I know I keep teasing towards a piece on it! Good news is I’m about to launch my new website that will include my blog and be the outlet to express myself without character limits or social expectations. The deal will be that if you show up, you’re ready to hear my authentic voice and I can’t f*#king wait!
It will also house my new online store! I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to share with the world and if I can make a couple of bucks to continue my true expression and give back; Imma do that!
I’ll also be offering photography mentoring to help people get off Auto and/or level up their own creative expression with a camera.
The website will also be much much more than just Russ the photographer (which is such a limited part of who I am it’s why I’m branching out from my photography brand). As I reflect on the change of direction and intensity my life has taken in the last 18 months, the lessons I’ve learned and the work I’ve done, I realise that it’s absolutely not without significance. And from channeling my authenticity in my interactions. it has become very apparent that I have a gift to help and empower others in this lifetime. This isn’t something I’m taking lightly and I cant wait to share more as it evolves.
Having said that I’m so happy and grateful to be shooting again and in my city of birth! So much variety and opportunity here!! Not to mention the people. Honestly, to be surrounded by family and my oldest friends is something else.
K, so stick around legends cos I feel I’m just warming up and I can’t wait to level up our relationship!!”