First off I want to thank everyone for their kind words of support and healing since my story update Monday. I felt the love, and it was beautiful to read where it came from. Some old and dear friends as well as some new characters bringing fresh perspective into my awareness. Y’all are the best!
4 days of disturbed vision since the string of migraines. My body tells me to slow down; mostly my mind.
It is also telling me to reassess my priorities. I won’t go into details but the gist of this cosmic whisper is more of a roar: “Put yourself first and take yourself seriously!” Two things I thought I was doing okay at. Okay is no longer acceptable.
These few days of health-induced solitude have had me go inward like my being was so desperately craving. The result has been fresh perspective, in this case, fresh questions.
I believe less and less in coincidences. The material that has been crossing my path recently, especially the audio that I’ve been able to consume during this extended time of acute introspection, has been relevant to the point of hilarity.
‘The Surrender Experiment’ – Michael A Singer.
Alan Watts – Extraordinary insights from this man.
Spiritual awakening teachings by the legendary modern mind of Jordan B Peterson.
An impromptu coaching session with super-coach and close personal friend @chrisjacksoncoaching
The strength of these combined messages at such a physically vulnerable yet spiritually empowering time in my life has helped me to, yet again, transcend my consciousness. I’m asking better questions. Putting more faith in the fact that this whole game is unfolding as it should. And most importantly, surrendering to the fact that I’m really not in control here. Paradoxically giving me ultimate control within my reality. I mean, do I want to choose the understanding, abilities and skills of a 37 year old hooman or hand the reins over to the wise-guy who’s clocked around 13.8 billion years of experience?
I realize this post has glossed over some pretty important concepts but I guess this post was more for me than for you all. Having said that if anyone has questions about the concepts I’ve covered feel free to reach out and set up a time to connect. Ultimately I feel I’m learning these lessons to heal myself but also the collective. Every time I gain new understandings it’s my responsibility to share with those who are ready to learn from them. I see no separation in my reality.
Remind me to talk about the concept of the “Third eye photographer” in another post too! You think this this one was deep? Haha, I got something for ya! .
Shoutout Govinda Rumi for the cracking portrait. Only a true pro is able to NOT horrify an audience with 100 megapixels of my rugged lid 🤣