It’s been a minute since my last post. .
Thanks for sticking around! I’ve been working on my story game though so I’m stoked to have been having a lot more engagement with you all there. Thanks for turning up with my polls and your lovely feedback on my art and travels.
Bali has been an absolute delight so far and I’m grateful for all the circumstance, both good and bad, that have lead me here. I’ve been levelling up my consciousness both here and the months leading up to this.
I’m working on a couple of photography guides that I honestly can not wait to share with the world. I’m also talking to venues regarding holding workshops too. That next step is both exciting and terrifying!
Still loving my Aerial photography more than anything right now. This shot was almost an after thought while I was exploring but now I love it so much it’ll be part of my wallpaper and print series on my store. (Yes it’s taking forever and it is on the way but I’m not going to give time estimates anymore!)
Scroll down to check out the SOOC (straight out of camera). Editing will be a big part of my photography guides coming soon(ish). If you’re curious slide at my DM’s and I’m happy to share 🙂
Also really enjoying my Smart Phone Photography also. As much as it can’t compete with my cameras it’s the tool I have with me at all times so I’m learning to leverage the convenience and enjoy the process. Hit me up if you have any specific questions on it and the guide will be out soon(ish).
My mens circle is thriving and is a constant source of satisfaction, empowerment and pride.
Lots more going on but I’ll share more in coming posts. (Yep I’m gonna be posting more again!)
All the love 🙏❤️

