Bali is quite the place…
I came here with the intention to find my intention. Find new, or reinvigorate existing, passions. Step up my business life. Do some healing and practice more self-love/acceptance. Maybe even find #love.
I’m more than a bit excited to say that after just a touch more than two weeks I’m feeling a significant shift.
I’m falling back in love with photography in ways I never could have predicted. Symbiotically tying into business ideas/opportunities finally free to unfurl their beautiful possibility, due to no longer being held too tight in the grip of a grind mindset.
I took a creative writing workshop that I loooved and sparked a little (not little) fire within me. Writing was always my number one passion, even before photography. Hard to say what exactly suppressed it and kept it from being my true expression. It really doesn’t matter now because it’s back. I’m so excited to explore it further and share my voice with my favorite race, on my favorite planet. 🌏
Too much to share so I’ll keep it here for one post. Needless to say, much more coming soon!
New blogs on a new website with new imagery. New product, new store on said new website. More authentic Russ the human and Russ the photographer.
I wanted to quickly point out that it hasn’t all been sunshine and lollipops. Social Media can be a dangerous place for comparison and self-judgement. It’s very common to put our best foot forward on here and I see no real problem with that. As long as the viewer recognizes that this is the case. This isn’t the full story. This isn’t the place for me to explore my shadow and shitty moments (the blog will have plenty of hilarity-via-bugger-ups!).
My growth has come, as it always does, through challenge, change and perseverance. Not from doing what I’ve always done and wondering why I’m who I’ve always been.
Have a cracker my beautiful people!!