Meet Robyn, Scotty and Levi 🙂
Robyn is my PA, Second Photographer, Photographers Assistant and all round Superstar!
When I was asked to do the portraits for this cute little family I was honoured and of course my answer was Yes.
These are some of the moments; big and little that made this shoot one of my all time favourites.
I’m not sure how I keep bringing such good people into my life, but I like what’s going on 🙂
Please like and leave comments if you enjoyed this Blog!
Tahlia Connie Tabone
Stunning! The essence you've captured is simply magic. Amazing work!!
Jean Cowan
Fantastic photos, what a photogenic family
Josie Baker
Stunning photos of my beautiful family. I love them
Heather Dez
Gorgeous photographs. I love the atmosphere, really happy and relaxed. Hard to get candid pictures of little kids where they look so happy.
Rita Brimble
Russ your art of capturing the moment is priceless ! Robyn you have a beautiful family, so natural and relaxed looking in the pics, totally awesome
Carol Benning
What a beautiful happy and photogenic family! A great location. Amazing work Russ! xoxo